Sunday, July 7, 2013

Why a plane crashes on landing

Why a plane crashes on landing:

The landing gear gets stuck.

The plane lands  on its belly.

Faulty landing gear

The plane overshot the runway

Landing on heavy wind.

An emergency landing.

Plane skidded past the landing strip.

Trim the plane for maximum glide.

Pilot inexperience and excessive speed.

Landing gear failed to deploy.

The engine stopped working.

Attempting to land during a rainstorm.

Aborted  landing.

Attempting landing without gear.

Electronic interference and airplane dysfunction

The best ways to survive a plane crash is to  choose the right seat to avoiding smoke inhalation.

 A look at real-world crash stats, however, suggests  that the farther back you sit, the better your odds of survival. Passengers near the tail of a plane are about 40 percent more likely to survive a crash than those in the first few rows up front.

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