Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The cheapest, largest and highly skilled workforce in the world

The cheapest, largest and highly skilled workforce in the world

Google AdSense Publishers

How many Google AdSense Publishers does Google have?

966,785 Publishers

75% of $3.26 billion ($2.445 billion) are the earnings of Google  partner sites in second quarter of 2013.

$2.445 billion/3=  $815 million per month.

38% of Google AdSense Publishers Earn an average of $100 Per Month.

35%  earn an average $500 per month.

23%  earn an average of $1,000 per month.

4%   earn an average of $10,000 per month  with AdSense.

38%Nx100+35%Nx$500+23%Nx$1,000+4%Nx$10,000=$815 million

38N+175N+230N+400N=$815 million


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