Sunday, July 28, 2013

Retirement dreams around the world

Retirement dreams around the world.

When there  isn't enough money to go around retirement dreams around the world should take a rational point of view :

Take your skills and commitments away from a "reliable social safety net" because safe pensions do not exist.

Friday, July 26, 2013

In order to know the half of what is going on

In order to know the half of what is going on you have to live where that is happening.

You need to watch the historical hostility of one group toward another group and the underground economy throughout American history.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Growing inequality

Growing inequality could be morally wrong but it's natural economics.

The fast development of modern technology, Government's focus on spreading the wealth rather than creating it and Fed's extraordinary monetary policy, had contributed to a plunge in  the share of Americans who are working.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The cheapest, largest and highly skilled workforce in the world

The cheapest, largest and highly skilled workforce in the world

Google AdSense Publishers

How many Google AdSense Publishers does Google have?

966,785 Publishers

75% of $3.26 billion ($2.445 billion) are the earnings of Google  partner sites in second quarter of 2013.

$2.445 billion/3=  $815 million per month.

38% of Google AdSense Publishers Earn an average of $100 Per Month.

35%  earn an average $500 per month.

23%  earn an average of $1,000 per month.

4%   earn an average of $10,000 per month  with AdSense.

38%Nx100+35%Nx$500+23%Nx$1,000+4%Nx$10,000=$815 million

38N+175N+230N+400N=$815 million


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Decrease of Google network revenues

Decrease of Google network revenues

 Google’s partner sites generated revenues of $3.26 billion, or 25% of total Google revenues, in the first quarter  of 2013.

Google’s partner sites generated revenues  of $3.19 billion, or 24% of total Google revenues, in  the second quarter of 2013.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Number of towns with more than 25,000 people in U.S.

Number of towns with more than 25,000 people in U.S.

1290 towns in 2002

80% of them had a SWAT team in  2005.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How many cities in U.S. are technically in bankruptcy?

How many  cities in U.S. are technically in bankruptcy?

More than 100 urban U.S. cities are technically in bankruptcy.