Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to help the poor in the U.S.

How to help the poor in the U.S.

Supplementing the income of people who work in qualifying low-income jobs.

Promoting work over dependence.

Educate both parents.

Eliminate unemployment insurance.

Dismantling  federal programs  and turning the money that funded them over to counties.

Eliminate federal and state involvement.

Allow counties to use their discretion as to how they should structure anti-poverty initiatives.

Measure economic mobility.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

America is becoming Europe

America is becoming Europe, Europe is becoming Germany, and Germany is becoming Japan, a flat GDP Growth Rate forever.

How to Keep People Unhealthy

How to Keep People Unhealthy

Giving them the best free medical treatment.

Monday, January 6, 2014

How does the United States Congress work?

How does the United States Congress work?

The United States Congress works preserving the status quo to preserve all of its options for the future.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

An America of Value: Making U.S. Government Pay Off

An America of Value: Making U.S. Government Pay Off

For America, the gap between soaring expenses and stagnant incomes is filled by debt.

At the same time, 40% of Americans, work in jobs that don't have any future.

America's higher problem calls for both wiser choices by American people and better value from U.S. Government.

What's really needed in America is major structural change. To remain viable, America needs to cut expenditures dramatically.

For decades, America have ridden the American-loan gravy train, using the proceeds to build palatial bureaucracy , reduce entrepreneurship and, most notably, hire armies of civil service and administrators.

When something can't go on forever, it will stop.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Who is the most significant and important human being ever to have lived?

Who is the most significant and important human being ever to have lived?

According the  algorithms and quantitative analysis of Steven Skiena, a professor of computer science at Stony Brook University, and Charles Ward, an engineer at Google, Jesus Christ is the most significant and important human being ever to have lived, and Napoleon Bonaparte is in a surprising second place.The top five are Jesus, Napoleon, Mohammed, Shakespeare, and Abraham Lincoln.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why there is not educational reform that leads to more engineers, scientists and doctors?

Why there is not educational reform that leads to more engineers, scientists and doctors?

Because IQ tends to remain relatively stable over the lifespan.