Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The four branches of government

The four branches of government are the legislative branch,  the judicial branch,  the executive branch and the paranoid branch , the branch that defends us from the amorphous and constant threat of something.

Liberal logical thinking:

Liberal logical thinking:

Taxing anything  should create more users of anything.

Monday, December 30, 2013

How to force yourself into new positions of responsibility.

How to force yourself into new positions of responsibility.

Leave the comfortable zone.
Become  a hard worker.
Pursuit toughness.
Have no tolerance for  weakness.
Be worried about making ends meet.
Think life is complicated.
Replace fear for  hope.
Start all over again.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

What is a captive insurance company?

What is a captive insurance company?

A captive insurance company is an insurance company owned by the

The Securities and Exchange Commission is pushing life insurers to disclose the potential cost if they are forced to halt use of controversial "captive" entities.

There is a huge tax saving associated with a captive program.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Best Financial Advice I Ever Got

The Best Financial Advice I Ever Got (or Gave)

Everything Is Cyclical

Friday, December 27, 2013

What technology is needed in teaching?

What technology is needed in teaching?

A technology capturing student speaking performances as part of an educational assessment of verbal communication skills.

We pretend to be free they pretend to govern us.

We pretend to be free they pretend to govern us.

John Cox, a leading government reform advocate in California has a vision for making California's government more responsive and less beholden to special interests. All it would take, he says, is increasing the number of elected  representatives nearly one hundredfold.

His mother was an educator; his stepfather a lifelong postal worker.