Thursday, February 14, 2013

How many households pay for broadband access in the U.S.?

How many households pay for broadband access in the U.S.?

125,972,103 Americans do not have broadband access.

Monday, February 11, 2013

How much money does the federal reserve print?

How much money does the federal reserve print?

“Is the United States Bankrupt?”

No it isn't.

The U.S. Treasury is printing $40 billion per month.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Number of banks in the United States

Number of banks in the United States

Cayman Islands population is 56,729 (2011)
There are 602 banks in the Cayman Islands.
One bank for 94 citizens

In the U.S. one back for 311 residents.In the U.S. as of November 18, 2010, the FDIC  insures deposits at 7,723 institutions.

At the end of 2009, some 700 credit  institutions had issued and/or acquired  payment cards in the Russian Federation.
One bank for 243,000  citizens

In 2005 there were 112 city commercial banks in all of China.
One bank for 12,000.000  citizens

A curious way to bring down unemployment

A curious way to bring down unemployment

According to a report  in the local Augsburger Allgemeine, a German job center has tried to line up a position for a young woman in a brothel.

The prostitutes' organization HYDRA puts the number German sex workers  at 400,000

The number of registered unemployed  in Germany is 3,460,000.

U.S. residents for each IRS employee

U.S. residents for each IRS employee.

According to the IRS 2009 Data Book, IRS workforce
counts up 93,337 employees.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the resident
population of the United States,
projected to 02/09/13 at 16:01 UTC (EST+5) is

3.378 residents for each IRS employee,
compared with 860 in France and 729 in Germany.

Friday, February 8, 2013

U.S. GDP composition and who rules the world

U.S. GDP composition and who rules the world

According to the CIA

United States GDP composition:   
agriculture: 1.2%
industry: 19.1%
services: 79.7% (2012 est.)

China GDP composition:   
agriculture: 9.7%
industry: 46.6%
43.7% (2012 est.)

In 2007 finance and insurance accounted for 8% of GDP.

In 2010 the GDP report shows finance profits jumped to $426.5 billion.

According to the World Bank

United States GDP was:

$15.09 Trillion US dollars at 2011 prices.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Part-time jobs in U.S.

Part-time jobs in U.S.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The number of workers in part-time jobs in  8.5 million.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor:

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does  not define full-time employment or  part-time employment. This is a matter generally  to be determined by the employer.