Monday, December 31, 2012

How Much Money Does The U.S. Government Give to the poor?

How Much Money Does The  U.S. Government Give to the poor?

IRS estimated that in 2009 the Earned Income Tax Credit lifted nearly $7 million people out of poverty.

Nationwide in 2012, close to 26.5 million received nearly $60.7 billion in EITC for the 2011 tax year.

$2,290.00 per person.

Total annual cost of food stamp program in 2012: $71,800,000,000.

Number of Americans using the food stamp program in 2012: 46,670,373

$1.725.00 per person

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Relation between interest on the public debt and money lost by companies

Relation between interest on  the public debt and money lost by companies

Ten percent of FORTUNE 500 companies  lost money last year.

The total amount of money these companies lost was 5.6 billions.

Budgeted net interest on the public debt was approximately $251 billion.

Fortune 500 generated nearly $10.8 trillion in total revenues last year and $824.5 billion in earnings (7.6%).

U.S. nominal GDP was estimated to be $15.8 trillion in 2012.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Gun control and subway train control.

Gun control and subway train control.

A woman accused of pushing a man to his death in front of a speeding subway train in Queens  has been charged with murder as a hate crime on  December 22nd.

It was the second such attack in New York City in less than a month.

“It’s unbelievable, and it only happens in America, and it happens again and again,”
 "We are killing each other, and we are the only industrialized nation doing it."
Mayor Bloomberg said on December 17th , describing a mass shooting
at a Connecticut elementary school.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Why To Pay Social Security Is Not The Investment You Think It Is

Why To Pay Social Security Is Not The Investment You Think It Is

If your social security benefits are the only income you receive, then they will not be taxed.

If you are a single filers and your  income is more than $34,000  a taxable rate of 85% will be applied to benefits received.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Number of atheists or agnostics in U.S.

Acording a Pew poll only a 20% of Americans  identify themselves as  having no religious affiliation.

53% of Canadians believe in God.

35% of people in France are atheist or agnostic,  45% in South Korea and 84% in Estonia.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Total retirement assets of US government versus total U.S. retirement assets

Total retirement assets of US government versus total U.S. retirement assets

Total U.S. retirement assets were $17.5 trillion in Fourth Quarter 2010.

The Investment Fund (G Fund) of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan
has balance approximately of $156 billion.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Home robbery per capita

Home robbery per capita

Home Robbery Per Capita Statistics (most recent)

California 70,968

=0.0018 home robberies per capita

Spain 425,000

=0.0090  home robberies per capita

Belgium 211,000

=0.0200  home robberies per capita

U.S. 447,403

=0.0013   home robberies per capita

Baja California  15,035

=0.0050 home robberies per capita

 Arizona 9,226

=0.0014 home robberies per capita

 Wyoming 72

=0.0001  home robberies per capita