Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Inequality is the natural motor of wealth creation

Taxes are the natural enemy of wealth creation.

Inequality is the natural motor of wealth creation.

Only wealth creation destroy poverty.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

These guys don't want a friend. They want to win

Innovation creates wealth because it really prevents goverment regulation.

When you work around the clock, holidays mean very little to you since
you work just about all the time.

It is importante to grow up in a family that doesn't know what glass ceiling are.

These guys don't want a friend. They want to win.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Marketing and innovation

Marketing and innovation are the basics steps to get rich

If you are not richer the poor would be poorer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Idea are everywhere

Ideas are everywhere.

It's execution of good ideas -not the ideas themselves- that makes for successful businesses.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

To be in command of your destiny

There is no way to predict how innovative markets will develop.

Every body wants to be in command of their career and destiny.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Basic investment rules

Basic investment rules

If a stock got above about its pie share in your portfolio, you suould cut it back so it wouldn't overly dominate.

You may lose some money by trimming winners

If a stock doesn't grow, you should cut your losses and sell.

You must remain hypercompetitive and self-confident.

You should track a stock's performance for weeks before buying, and then build a stake gradually

You should keeps charts comparing your holdings with the overall market and classifying your stocks by category -- growth stocks, aggressive growth, foreign and so on.

Stocks move most heavily at the open and the close

You should buy preferably with a high dividend yield and low price-to-earnings ratio.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

You need willpower.

You need willpower.

Willpower is to do something that must be done but you don't feel like doing it.

The most important factor to do things is sheer willpower.

There is no substitute for will.

You need self-confidence and persistence, the feeling that is right to do what you plan to do and you can certenly do it.