Friday, September 5, 2014

Why intelligence is inborn and not achievable?

Why intelligence is inborn and not achievable?

Because  intelligence is not data-driven and doesn't  ask great questions.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

When you can be often wrong but never in doubt?

When you can be often wrong but never in doubt?

When you have huge cash and huge independence.

Why any public-work project will be always an embarrassment of delays and costs?

Why any public-work project will be always an embarrassment of delays and costs?

Because city, state and federal agencies, as  well as developers will join in public and private clashes.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Standard characteristics of evil organizations

Standard characteristics of evil organizations:

Their leaders have known each other for years, with anyone of  dubious loyalty long since eliminated.

Their leadership is infused with a real sense  of paranoia and a focus on outright loyalty.

They have an effective recruitment strategy—join us or die.

How to "diminish" an issue to a manageable problem.

How to "diminish" an issue to a manageable problem.

Doing the opposite of what you say.

Using a lot of words.

Talking  much with adjectives.

Pursuing a more "systematic" approach.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to use your influence and capabilities to solve a situation.

How to use your influence and capabilities to solve a situation.

Moderating one party.

Stepping up demands to that party to negotiate.

Putting pressure on the weak-looking party.

Denying accusations of interference.

Spreading sophisticated threats and then say they were taken out of context. 

Showing the situation is fully controlled.

Supporting the practical implementation of any  agreement.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

When is difficult to get an answer

When is difficult to get an answer

When  who should respond doesn't ever expect to hear from you.