Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why nobody wants to work anymore.

Why nobody wants to work anymore.

Because of slower-moving demographic factors.

Because of poor work incentives created by public policies.

Because of inadequate schooling and training.

Because it is much easier to receive federal disability payments.

Because of globalization and technological change.

Because of slow wage growth for low-skilled workers.

Because of a decrease in aggregate demand.

Because of the Federal Reserve is using an aggressive "quantitative easing" monetary policy.

Because of the extension of unemployment insurance.

Because of the Social Security payroll tax on older workers.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How many Americans don't have health insurance in 2014?

How many Americans don't have health insurance in 2014?

According Sherry Glied, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Health, Columbia University  44 million people in this country have no health insurance.

According the government seven point one million people have signed up on ObamaCare and the government doesn't know how many of the 7.1 million have paid.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Why the government doesn't know what it's doing?

Why the government  doesn't know what it's doing?

Because the bureaucratic density and complexity of the system incapacitates to know the cost of anything.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What is the the permanent goal of the government?

What is the the permanent goal of the government?

The  permanent goal of the government is to run your  life for you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why does "new GM" put (as did old GM) costs below safety ?

Why does "new GM"  put (as did old GM) costs below safety ?

Because labor union philosophy puts  individual below group

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to rig the market with a scam entirely legal.

How to rig the market with a scam entirely legal.

With High-frequency trading (HFT)

The Best Rowing Race In History

The Best Rowing Race In History