Tuesday, February 11, 2014

24 Years of Salary Deflation

24 Years of Salary Deflation

The average per capita personal income in 1990 in the United States was $18,667 per year.

The lowest salary for a Commercial Pilot in 2014  is $29,157  per year.

What is the difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party?

What is the difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party?

Their names.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why higher-wage earners qualify for federal subsidies?

Why higher-wage earners qualify for federal subsidies?

Because insurance companies run the system

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The best techniques to competitive success.

The best techniques to competitive success.

Check your  birth certificate.
Review your lifestyle .
Find amounts of leisure time.
Play where there is little competition and the least competitive players.
Train but not formally compete.
Do not go where the best talent goes.
Withstand pain.
Think that not winning is OK  but have a very clear goal of winning.
Know that very many want to win and know that very few will make it.
Train relentlessly for years.
Believe pain is cool.
Believe that it's possible to reach your goals.

When the legislative activity is interesting?

When the legislative activity is interesting?

When you spend a lot of time on federal lands or you are directly impacted by water rights in California.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The usual suspects for the always weaker-than-expected report for payrolls

The usual suspects for the always weaker-than-expected report for payrolls:


The broader set of labor market indicators .

Unusually snowy and cold winter.

Swing in the seasonal factor.

Weather disruption.

Higher young-adult employment.

Weak performance in service sector.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Advertising pricing and Google's partner sites

Advertising pricing and Google's partner sites

Ad buyers and industry executives say the proliferation of new sites and automation in ad sales is driving down advertising pricing—by as much as 70% in some cases—making it tougher for sites to turn a profit from traditional online advertising. More news sites means more ad space is available.

Google's partner sites generated segment revenues of $3.52 billion, or 23% of total Google segment revenues, in the fourth quarter of 2013. This represents a 3% increase over fourth quarter 2012 Google network segment revenues of $3.44 billion.