Sunday, December 1, 2013

When do you have to find something else to do?

 When do you have to find something else to do?

When your culture eats itself, when your are not able to do your job, when telling the truth kills you and when your live has been co-opted.

What is the most important personal trait?

What is the most important personal trait?

 The IQ

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who are self-employed and small-business owners

Who are self-employed and small-business owners

Self-employed and small-business owners are middle class, rarely affluent, who take responsibility for their lives without government aid.

Friday, November 29, 2013

You can speak the truth but do not expect someone to listen.

You can speak the truth but do not expect someone to listen.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stay at work, America.

Stay at work, America.

A day of thanks should be a day of hard work.

If you don’t like your government

If you don’t like your government, you cannot and should not move, because you might have voice but not exit.

Your government regulates your discussions enforces a set of norms as to what sorts of ideas are acceptable and how you view history

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What's the first thing a person show?

What's the first thing a person show?

Character and personality,  typically sorts itself out pretty quickly.