Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to be a politician.

How to be a politician.

Create something that the public don't want.

Being  goal-oriented instead of systems-oriented.

Never suffer defeat.

Never stay in the game.

Become less smart, less talented and less healthier. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to increase Americans' dependence on government.

How to increase Americans' dependence on government.

Take care of the elites

Create a lot of  problems.

Make solutions complicated.

Ban self-reliance, individualism,  and courage

Scorn values.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The differences between the US Government and me.

The differences between the US Government and me.

If I have debt ceiling , why not the US Government?

If my spending is based on my income, why not the US Government?

If I work 24x7, why not the US Government?

If I have a budget, why not the US Government?

Monday, October 14, 2013

How to dig America out of the hole of the recession ?

How to dig America out of the hole of the recession ?

Create an alternative ecosystem where the best and brightest must  thrive in unsupported ways.

How to save America?

How to save America?

Take the best and brightest from top universities to pursue their interests outside  hallowed campus walls.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The danger of giving information

The danger of giving information
Federal officials are discussing changes to how the government releases sensitive economic data.
The Government is always trying to make the release of information to the public less transparent and untimely.

Where Can the Lower Class Buy a Home?

Where Can the  Lower Class Buy a Home?

If you’re in the lower class and want to buy a home here’s a piece of advice: Move to South Dakota.
According to data from
The cheapest houses ready to live are in South Dakota