Friday, June 14, 2013

There is no bigger menace for a human being than when government goes to work.

There is no bigger menace for a human being than when government goes to work.

Oversight and accountability are unknown words  for goverment.

Government is extreme.

The U.S. government is really spying on American  citizens.

Bad guys and terrorism were always the excuses of totalitarians to harm, harass or invade the liberties of individuals.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How many spies the U.S. Government has?

How many spies the U.S.  Government has?

3 million.

The official intelligence agencies in the U.S are:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Independent agencies
o Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
United States Department of Defense
o Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
o National Security Agency (NSA)
o National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
o National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
o Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA)
o Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
o Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA)
o Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
United States Department of Energy
o Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (OICI)
United States Department of Homeland Security
o Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)
o Coast Guard Intelligence (CGI)
United States Department of Justice
o Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
o Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of National Security Intelligence (DEA/ONSI)
United States Department of State
o Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
United States Department of the Treasury
o Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI)[7]

The three biggest employers are

CIA = 135,000e employees

FBI = 30,485 employees

NSA= 30,000 employees

The rest of the intelligence agencies have around 500,000 employees.

Total amount of official spies in the US is around: 700,000

This number is three time bigger if we account spies outside the U.S. and independent contractors spies.

Total number spies the U.S.  Government has:  it is around 3 million.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Freedom literacy

Freedom literacy is a new skill we need to live in this new world of individual  responsibility and Government's collection of  electronic data

 Very few countries have taken the initiative  to improve freedom literacy and capability.

If you don’t do that, this is not something  that grows with you or that people acquire by  their daily lives.

Recording everything you do, forces you to be aware of where your go and what  you do.

The more we focus on our freedom and are conscious  of it, the more likely we will not take it  for granted.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How to limit inefficient government bureaucracy, tax rates and tax regulations?

How to limit inefficient government bureaucracy, tax rates and tax regulations?

Place a civil servant a congressman and a senator in a dreary office rented by them and tell them to run a business for a year.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What is the main difference between Europe and America?

What is the main difference between Europe and America?

The location of the financial assets.

Banks dominate finance in Europe, especially in the struggling south.

Some 85% of financial assets  in Italy, 87% in Spain and 96% in Greece are held by banks and other credit institutions, compared with less than 30% in the U.S. So when the banks don't lend, European economies can't grow.

Even if U.S. banks are struggling, U.S. companies can raise funds from the markets.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

When fiscal and monetary policies do not work.

When fiscal and monetary policies do not work.

No matter how many quantitative easing programs  you can use.

In 2006, 63.4% of the American working-age population was employed. That percentage declined to a
low of 58.2% in July 2011 and now stands at 58.6%.

Freedom and security never matched

Freedom and security never matched

According to the US Government:

Every time  Americans makes a call, the US Government  gets a record of the location, the number called, the  time of the call and the length of the conversation.

Every time  Americans send and email or visit a website the US Government gets a record of it.

Every time  Americans pay with a credit card the US Government  gets a record of it.

Every time  Americans create information the US Government "maps" individuals connected  with that information.

The US Government surveillance of people is breathtaking.

 Is the US Government out of control?