How to consume manufactured fear?
Being “willfully blind”.
Jesus Arturo Devesa
When too much of something is a problem?
When all the wrong people have got it.
What makes to see the unknown unknowns differently from person to person?
The baseline risk.
How to make more informed decisions?
Looking at the tradeoffs, and how you feel about them.
How should we manage everything?
With absolute intellectual foundations.
How to discover what does not exist?
Getting used to the impossible.
When a company exercises substantial market power?
When there is no comparable alternatives.
What is the first recipe for failure?
Failing to anticipate the resistance.
What is always the best strategy?
The strategy that is most aligned with your values.
What to do when you are still not quite sure?
Finding avenues of investigation to fill large knowledge gaps.
Why there is substantial variation in the choice of strategies?
Because there is not a strong evidence base.
When is time to be a contrarian?
When the consensus has been reached very quickly.
What is the most illusory thing?
The belief that you have something under control.
How to have the courage to subject an established practice to a proper scientific experiment?
Counting up outcomes.
How to experiment with society to get unpredictable results?
First, start dreaming up ways to “do the right thing”.
Second, tinker with bits of the private sector’s machinery that clearly you don’t understand how it operates.
Why is not possible to create spending without economic growth?
Because you can not consume what you don’t produce.
How to create inflation for the rich and deflation for the poor?
With pandemics and printing money.